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I thought the new template was horrible so I updated again, this time it's more stylish! We have also added forums, again, they are still in testing stages. I am still trying to fix the text color in the widgets section. Remember, we're not just a blog we're a Fansite!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Posted by
"If you are looking forward to "Forsaken World", but still has not decided which class to choose (like me) then read on.
Warrior's are brave and have undying willpower!
Soldiers are often the teams leader, which requires strong willpower, ability to control oneself and a good heart.
The most suitable Star Signs are Aries, Leo and Libra..
Priests are life-saving angels, they are a symbol of pure love!
In any team Priests are welcomed with open arms. To be a successful Priest you must be able to help injured people, have a good heart, mature and be capable of handling emergencies.
The most suitable Star Signs are Pisces, Aquarius, Cancer.
Protector Dwarfgunner
Mage Mages are able to control the elements, they yield great power.To become a Mage, you must first be able to command the heavenly and earth elements. You must be patient to be a good Mage The most suitable Star Signs are Sagittarius, Virgo and Capricorn. Protector Protectors is a strong shield, and guardian of a erupting volcano! Patience, perseverance, and good timing, these are the qualities of a successful Protector. To Kill enemies with exposed flaws or protect a teammate with flaws, that is the question. The most suitable Star Signs are Taurus, Leo and Pisces. Blood Controller
Mage DwarfgunnerDwarves are agile, intelligent and technologically advanced. Dwarves created the most advanced mechanical cultures and invented the first firelock in the world. In spite of their short figures, they are able to attack enemies effectively in the furthest position.
The most suitable Star Signs are Capricorn, Virgo and Gemini. Blood Controller Vampires are a noble, mysterious and bloodthirsty race that has a powerful talent for magic and a diverse array of fighting skills and can transform themselves into bats. In order to keep their love eternal, they always turn their lovers into vampires.
The most suitable Star Signs are Scorpio, Aries and Sagittarius. Assassin They are somewhat emotionless and extremely agile. Assassins must not get their consciousness get in the way. The most suitable Star Signs are Gemini, Cancer and Scorpio.Bard They are good-hearted, sentimental and artistically talented people.The most suitable Star Signs are Libra, Aquarius and Taurus. Now can you make a decision? Hope this helped!"I know what I'm going to be...
Friday, February 26, 2010
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Are you one of those people who lives in a different timezone and misses out on limited time giveaways?
If you are, this is the competition for you! Forsaken World Fans is holding a contest where the winner will get a beta key for Forsaken World when it's available!
A participant (you) will make a wallpaper using a screenshot or an artwork of Forsaken World. To make it more interesting, you have to edit out the logo and replace it with an English one(make it yourself). And it MUST BE HIGH QUALITY! Resolution: Anything as long it's higher than 1024-768
27 February - 27 April 2010.
2 Entries per participant
Do not infringe copyright
No explicit material
If you win, DO NOT beg when you can have the beta key, I will give it to you ASAP when it's released.
I will vigorously check all entries with a high quality Anti virus, so don't think you can fool me.
All entries should be sent to:
Please state your name and email address in the email so I can contact you.

Good luck!
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I found a video and it's in English!!! Here's the link: The Video
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Posted by
1. I like anime such as xxxHolic
2. I live in Australia
3. I hope to live in Japan one day
4. I'm impatient
5. I get excited easily ( not in THAT way)
6. Looking forward to Forsaken World
7. The name Asfer doesn't mean anything I just made it up.
8. I'm not philosophical
9. I love the little bits most people don't care/notice
10. Developing a massive update for Forsaken World Fans
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Throughout the year Forsaken World Fans will updating numerous times and this is one of them! If the text makes your eyes hurt or if you found a bug please let me now by leaving a comment.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
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I like what I see!
"Forsaken Worlds fashion system is designed for the fashionistas. With you friends you can stage a fashion show, showing various styles like modern or retro.
Screenshot - Wizard Fashion
Screenshot - Dwarf Fashion
In Forsaken World, each race has its own fashion, the fashion demonstrating the various ethnic and occupational characteristics. Vampires sense of fashion is slightly mysterious metal Gothic style. Elfs are close to nature therefore they make their clothes using materials like flowers and vines. When you venture through the forest, you will encounter a dwarf dressed in Baroque costumes. When you walk through the town, you may also encounter the Byzantine style, dressed in rich costumes of humanity. Screenshot - Vampire Fashion
Screenshot - Titan Fashion
Screenshot - Human Fashion
Fashion for each race, even though there reference to the classic fantasy of Western culture, is fully based on ethnic characteristics of their culture , but our R&D Team also integrated the latest fashion trends. For a number of important occasions, you can attend dressed in the finest silk costumes!
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So sorry for my inactivity!!! My prediction was right! Well, it was partly right.
"3D Fantasy MMORPG Forsaken World's official Chinese Open Beta Test will begin on March 25, 2010!
"Forsaken World" marks the 6th anniversary of Perfect World Beijing, the game introduces many innovations such as the ability to change the world. Here, players can not only enjoy beautiful visuals, they will get taste of Western myths and legends and contemporary works of fantasy.
Seraphim Falls
GodsAny player in Grand Mundo are equals, all except Gods. Each server in the game will have 10 Sacred Realms (Heaven), waiting for a god to inhabit it. God's not only obtain immense supernatural power, but also have their own loyal supporters, given their belief in God. Blood Controller
World Skills, able to affect the entire map Example:The Cthulhu(is this a real enemy?) army siege a town/city, the world BOSS appears. To protect and help the citizens of Grand Mundo, Gods will appear with a magnificent animation. However World Bosses do not stay in one place long, to aid players they(Gods) can use World Skills to locate the Boss Constellations and Astrology
During Character Customization they will have to input their Date of Birth, and the game will determine their fate. The location of the stars can influence players' experience. In the
sky there are stars in various places, it will bring about a different fate for the players, they can also pray to increase their fortune. The location and time of constellations have patterns however, Gods have the ability to change the location of the Stars. But the game also has a powerful "Astrologers" profession, this profession has the ability to foresee the location and time of the Stars,by doing this they can advise players, things like, whether to wear certain jewelery. Phantom of the Opera
Artwork - Desert Phantom of the Opera
Artwork - Forgotten City
3D Soul Player Killing System."Forsaken Worlds" innovative 3D Soul PK system creates a whole new aspect of PVP. In the innovative 3D Soul PK System, players' weak points are likely to be exposed at anytime during a combat with their souls knocked away. The knocked-away souls will fly around and whoever absorbs the souls will be able to have his/her attacks increased by a large margin.
The Soul PK System will also serve as a vehicle for testing players' reflexes and exact controls.
Territorial Wars Territorial Wars in Forsaken World is more advanced the Perfect World 2s.Hundreds of guild bases, not behind the teleporters but on the large map, are prepared for players on each server. These bases all fly above players and allow thousands of players to conduct guild fights in the air.
Warrior, Protector, Mage, Priest, Dwarfgunner, Blood Controller, and Assassin
, these are the unique classes you will be able to choose from depending on your race. Early in March, Forsaken Worlds Chinese Open Beta Test registration will begin, we will offer various channels to obtain beta key. Please keep an eye on the official website."
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
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After I released my article on indoor areas for FW, Perfect World Beijing did the same thing on their forums! Anyway, there's not much to it, so I'm not gonna bother translating.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
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1. Social House: This profession allows one to 'persuade' a NPC to get quests not normally available to others. This class is valuable to Legions(guilds)
2. Explorer: Observes a certain Monster that can cause great damage(remember this: "When strong bosses appear, they will send a meteor showers thorough the world, burn trees, freeze the lakes or wither the grass they walk on.") and reports to the Department of Monsters. This class is valuable to Legions.
3. Businessman: Gets the best price by observing the 'market', the rate of deflation and inflation of prices.
4. Collector: Copies valuable information from scrolls and/or books by copying it.
5. Runes Division: This class is able to utilize Runes to the fullest extent of their power. Some Runes may bestow good luck, protection and punishment.
6. Botanist: Identifies herbs.
7. Astrologist: They are able to predict the future. They can also receive blessings from the God by praying.
8. Blacksmiths: blacksmiths with dwarves and giants of the most outstanding. Artisan Armor: Armor made a solid career.
9. Tamers: Can tame animals not usually available, also can domesticate boss
10. Alchemist: Produces pharmaceuticals which is able to restore health, mana, and maybe able to resurrect the dead
Saturday, February 13, 2010
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Perfect World has taken their time and actually designed lots of indoor areas in FW. And it looks like some major quests will be indoors. Some eye-candy:
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I will be making a poll, this poll is about Forsaken World's game features. If you don't know what a certain feature is please leave a comment below, so I can translate it.
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This is one of my favorite features of the game. I wonder how I will change Grand Mundo...
"Have you been dreaming, fantasizing that one day you could have the power to change history? In Forsaken World, this is no longer a fantasy! The players actions can actually change the world. The server will be adjusted according to each player's behavior and progress, thus promoting the historical process, so that everyone can be the creators of history.
God Statue
Forgotten City
"Forsaken World" consists of a series of historical era, every age is called an "era." While the server is running, the player will have different behavior caused by different effects on the server. When the server has just been turned on, Grand Mundo will be in the "Chaotic Era", in this era, the planetarium system, etc. will not be activated. As players pray to one their 10 gods, the servers "Power of Faith" will keep increasing. When "The Power of Faith" reaches a certain point, Grand Mundo will be out of the "Chaotic Era". Almost immediately, 12 constellations will appear in the sky thus starting "The Study of the Stars (Astrology). The 12 Constellations change every once in a while to affect the players fortune. Desert Ruins
Guard Outposts If the player logs into a different server, they will notice that era and age is different to their original server. Each server will be in accordance with the player's behavior, as the game continues to advance, game features and era will be different for every server. This is why we think players will like the "Chronicle" system - players can create an environment suited to their gameplay!
Whether it be good or bad is up to you..."
Poll coming soon.
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This is very interesting, however it sounds an awfully a lot like Aion's Divine Points system
"In some RPG games players accumulate "Rage", when the Rage meter is full, the player is able to unleash a very powerful attack. However, in MMOs this system is rarely used. In Forsaken World we're using that system and making it better.
Screenshot 1
XP Skill
On your avatar info (located top right hand side) you'll see HP, Mana and the green XP meter.
Players can suck the "souls" of monsters to enhance Rage, once the Rage meter is full Players can use XP skills. This skill is able to kill mobs within range, below the players level.Players upgrade, XP will follow to fill slots. Our developers designed different skills for each of the races as you can see in the screenshots above. The effects of these skills are very different for each race, and they have beautiful animations. some are spike on its own as the center of the circle within a circle of monsters. Players can increase the capacity of the XP meter as they level up. Beginning players can get XP by collecting XP stones ( Soul stones? Not sure about this one). As the player levels up they will get a XP quest to upgrade their XP meter capacity.
Dwarf Female
Fire Trap - XP skill
However, XP skills are only effective on monsters, in a PVP confrontation between players it is useless. XP skills will bring a whole new combat experience!"
Friday, February 12, 2010
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I apologize for my recent inactivity. Because of a recent turn of events I'm only able to update the blog at this time, tomorrow and the day after that. I'm so sorry, I would love to update the blog everyday.
New Article coming soon.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
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It's beta. Forsaken World beta in America (I'm guessing) will begin late March - Mid April. Remember the CB test in China? Well, based on the feedback from that PWB is improving the game, as we speak. And AutumnalDusk found a review of the game WITH PICTURES on the Chinese forums. I will translate it later but currently I'm very busy. Without any further ado, the link:
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Protectors are innate tanks with towering figures and tough skin. Wearing a suit of heavy armor and holding a huge hammer, protectors always stand in front of teammates and fight to their last breath, as long as they are alive, their teammates will never be in danger. Aside from using the Derision Skill to provoke hatred, they can also accumulate inner wrath to break out incredible destructive power in a twink.
Only available to: Titans
Class Type : Tank
God determined magic as the supreme rule on Grand Mundo. In order to drive away all magical elements throughout the world, an extremely great talent for magic is required. Among the five races, vampires have the best endowments and humans follow, but it is difficult for other races to become mages who are capable of casting raining destruction down upon their enemies in a wide area of effect. A powerful mage is very popular with teammates but is a headache for opponents.
Only Available to: Humans and Kindred
Class Type: Spell Caster
Assassins are always considered as latent killers, capable of casting deadly strikes on incautious foes from behind swiftly. Humans and vampires are the best to be assassins which is a melee class requiring high agility and strong strength. Using a double-edged blade, assassins often launch a furious whirlwind attack on their enemies in the back.
Only Available to: Humans and Kindred
Class Type: Melee attacker
Priests are also a class capable of using magic, but instead of magical elements, they gain power directly from the God based on their beliefs. On Grand Mundo, only humans and elves with the firmest conviction are qualified to be priests who are endowed with healing ability as well as fierce holy power. Thus, think it over before you intend to attack priests secretly.
Only available to Humans and Elves
Class Type: Healer
A warrior should have a strong and agile body, so short dwarves and clumsy Titans are unable to become excellent warriors. Neither do vampires, as they don’t like holding a huge sword in hand. That is to say, only humans and elves are fit for this class. Wearing a suit of shining armor and wielding a two-hand sword, warriors may use different fighting skills depending on different stances and give a fatal blow on their enemies at anytime.
Only available to: Humans and Elves
Class Type: Melee attacker
Dwarves and Stonemen are two races incapable of using magic, but Titans have an advantage in gigantic stature. Dwarves have no choice but to develop advanced technology. With the help of guns, dwarves can shoot at enemies from a distance. Moreover, gunners play an indispensable role in a team owing to their wonderful control ability.
Only available to: Dwarves
Class Type: Ranged Attacker
VampiresAs the name implies, only vampires are able to choose this class. Actually, the first ancestor of vampires was a human mage named Howard, after turning into a vampire, he combined his magic with the strength from his blood to create a brand new class. Vampires can not only cast awesome spells, but also specialize in melee skills, so others are unlikely to correctly anticipate their next actions.
Only available to: Kindred
Class Type: Combination
In Forsaken World, only elves with a talent for music are eligible to be bards who can use music to cripple foes through playing the harp. In comparison with other classes, bards have an extra music column in the control interface. Each of their skills has corresponding musical notes and powerful magic effects cannot be unleashed unless those notes make up music.
Only available to: Elves
Class Type: Spell Caster
Taken from MMOSite
Hmm, maybe I'll be a Priest.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
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1. Voice-acting
ESO had voice-acting. PWE tried to maintain that Chinese so they made their voice-actors sound like people with blocked noses and a very heavy accent (no offence). So PWE heed my words if you're gonna employ voice actors employ more than 2-3.
2. Cinematic.
When I first saw the announcement of FW, I thought it looked like a great game but it must have very little lore. But when I read the lore I was impressed, so what better to tell the story than cinematics?
3.Removal of forums.(Now this may be a controversial one.)
Why, you may ask. Because, all you see on the forums is begging, flaming, trolling, complaining and complaining about other people complaining. PWE if you're going to implement forums use it only for Tech Support and maybe for Beginners Guide.
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So what this is is:
Recap of what happened this week
What's to come next week
And What the community had to say.
I started this blog
Added AI article.
Article on Classes
What I want from FW
And so much more
AutumnalDusk and varhna, thank you so much for your support!
May the best be with you all!
Posted by
This is my first major article! So PWB is going to incoporate smarter than usual AI for FW.This is going to be good! So, here's the article:
"Artificial Intelligence emerged late-20th Century. Athough Artificial Intelligence has been developed for several decades, it couldn't be used in real life. We (PWB) thought, why not use this fantastic technology and go a step further. In Forsaken World, the monster AI is very intelligent, so they won't be waiting for YOU to chop them into pieces.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
To better understand and develop computer literacy, psychology and philosophy. Forsaken World's R&D team members come from around the world with the utmost knowledge of computer programming, design and so much more. AND our development team specially invited two professors from Princeton University, teaching psychology and philosophy of knowledge. The two professors not only mean the careful development of the AI system design, but also access to "Firestone Library", this means we can borrow various academic works, not available in China, to further perfect the AI.
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
As mentioned above
, mobs will not innocently wait for you to kill them. For example: When a player reaches Level 10 they will be able to access the "Kobold" camp. You will be free to explore, however when the player becomes to close to their treasure they will get aggresive and attack. Another example is the "Storm Messenger", this monster is responsible for Storm Corps message center. Once he is attacked, the first thing the AI does is determine the players strength, after he compares his strength to the players, he calculates various ways to escape. Once, that is done he would summon monsters around the area and while the player is preoccupied with the monsters, he escapes. In the "Lost Lighthouse" quest, monsters in the dungeon will try every means to obstruct the player pushing, poisoning, they even use guns. The player must face
"BOSS Charles and Catherine" they are a pair of lovers, the player must also face both of them. During the course of the fight they will adapt to the players attacks, they even exchange tactics.
Final "BOSS Lighthouse Pirate King Keane", of course is not stupid, he use svarious means to weaken the players ability, when he thinks he can not stand, he calls for his young brother to help, and direct them to an organized attack on the player ... "Woah, that is exciting! Well I hope you have enjoyed the article.See ya next time!
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Hello, my (blog) name is Asfer
and this is my Fansite.
I've always been an MMO wanderer drifting from one MMO to another. My recent MMO interest was Aion but it disappointed me because it had many flaws that could have been easily fixed. But, I've moved on and found Forsaken World. Many Perfect World Beijing games have been quite similar to each other in various ways, but FW is different. So I think everybody should be able to experience this wonderful game. On that note, I welcome you to Forsaken World Fans.
Yours Truly