What did you think?

Posted by Asfer


Okay, so we have a bit of a problem. It's not related to templates but it's to do with you guys. You guys have not commented at all recently. Without your comments, I don't know if you like the content that is published here, if you like the interview with obah (Andrew). So, please comment it's not hard. Anyway, what did you think of the interview with obah, please comment below.

FGT Scan

Posted by Asfer

From now on I'm gonna call the pre-Winter CBT testing phases: FGT. Which stands for Focus Group Test. Now let the opinions spill...

1. There should 3 FGT testing phases, and these phases should focus on something specific.

  • FGT Phase 1 for Technical purposes, like stress tests.
  • FGT Phase 2 for things like graphical errors.
  • FGT Phase 3 for testing Artificial Intelligence, and things like Fall damage, or Newbie Guide.
And I think all testing phases should covered by a NDA.

2. There should be a special forum ( I think there will be one), or another domain, like: reportbugs.perfectworld.com.

What you should do:

  1. When playing the game do things repeatedly, this will help uncover bugs.
  2. Go explore new areas, jump around, do various emotes.
  3. Kill and attack many different enemies with different skills. If you think they are acting in a strange way report it.
  4. If you do find a bug report it, and do it neatly and respectfully. 
Bad Example:

i finds b ung in that place with the weird monkeys/ the bug doesnt let me do stuff.

Why it's a bad example:
  • Poor grammar and spelling, it makes your bug report hard to read,
  • Not specific. The developers aren't mind-readers, they're not gonna know the place with the weird monkeys, and they're not gonna know the bug if you don't describe what the bug is.

Good Example:

There is a bug in the north-western part of Jungle A, where the Monkeys reside. The monkeys have 'merged' with the trees, which makes them hard to kill. I've tried killing one of them and the game suddenly crashed, giving me no error.

Please fix this bug,
Random Tester A

Why it's a good example:
  • Good grammar and spelling, it is easy to understand.
  • It's specific, the reporter tells where the glitch is, what it is, and how the glitch affects the game/tester.

What you SHOULDN'T do:

  • When you've found a bug, don't tell
  • Do things you're not supposed to do like breach the NDA
  • Do nothing in the game, never play.
  • Never read the forums
 And remember always communicate.

Side note: The current template is temporary, changes will be occurring soon.

    We have a problem (again)

    Posted by Asfer

    There are numerous problems with this template, that involves HTML. I can barely understand HTML, so it's template change time... Again. I deeply apologize and I will NOT change the template again, this year if the next template is bugless.


    Posted by Asfer

    Ok, so I've just noticed a new tab in Blogger. Stats.

    This allows me to check

        How many people have visited FWFans
        How many people have visited individual pages.
        Where they came from
        Traffic Sources, like what webpage they came from.
        What keywords(in Google) they used to get here.
        What browsers most of you people use.
        And what operating system.

    Some facts:

    Note: This date is from May 2010 to today

    199 of you use Firefox, while 52 of you use Google Chrome.

    293 of you use Windows and 3 of you use X11(is that Mac OS X or Linux?).

    25 people came from this thread:

    3 people from this website: 

    2 from:
    1 from:

    The following keywords were used to find FWFans on Google:

    forsaken world china guide

    shenmo wanmei fashion

    forsaken world chinese guide

    forsaken world

    forsaken world protector fashion

    play forsaken world china guide


    forsaken world wallpaper'

    All keywords are Exact

    The 'F' Factor

    Posted by Asfer

    "If you think only monsters and Bosses are scary, you're wrong! In Eyrda there are NPCS that scare the **** out of children and they will chill your spine. So let's see who they are!

    Grim NPC 1: Orc

    With his spiky armor, buck-tooth, mace and painted face, he is certainly someone that shouldn't be messed with!

    Scare Score: ★ ★

    NPC: Orc

    Scary NPC 2: Werewolf  
    He has bulging blue veins, thick claws, and glowing eyes. He is the one and only Werewolf Zhang.

    NPC: Werewolf

    Fright Score: ★ ★ ★

    Scary NPC 3: Mrs Wen (I wonder who's her husband, maybe she ate him?)

    On the ruins of a city, stands Mrs Wen. The semi-human holds a ferocious Fork. With it's magical elements, it can kill you!

    NPC: Mrs Wen

    Fright Score: ★ ★ ★ ★

    Grim NPC 4(unlucky number alert!): Daniel

    Near a fountain in Freeport stands Master Daniel. He wears a black robe and mask. The mask disables any one to see his face. He also has the ability to control others' will, he can kill anyone just like that. *click*

    NPC: Daniel

    Fear Factor: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "

    A Forsaken World Fans exclusive interview will arrive very soon!

    Screenie Batch #21

    Posted by Asfer

    2010-04-17 23-59-56_副本.jpg无标题-1.jpgkjh.jpg未命名.jpg8.jpg10.jpg12.jpg13.jpg1.jpg

    It's Summertime!

    Posted by Asfer

    "Summer has arrived! From all the tedious questing you must be tired! So let's have a look at some of Eyrda's summer resorts.


    Walking on the beach
    Bring your spouse or a friend to relax in this paradise!
    Cool Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Beauty Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Comfortableness Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Overall Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Adventure in (a snowy) Wonderland!


                                                                                     Wrath Peak

    What?! You don't like the sun and heat? Well, then this snowy wonderland is the place for you! With beautiful peaks and ominous mountains, it's a beauty!
    Cool Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Beauty Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Comfortableness Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Overall Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

    Fishing lake

    Wanna catch your own dinner? Or just wanna spend quality time with a son/daughter (not included with offer)? Then this is the spot for you. With it's giant fish and hefty fines for overfishing this one will have you on your knees!\
    Cool  Score: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Beauty Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Comfortableness Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Overall Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆


    Too heroic to stop questing? Then have a quick drink at the pub. With it's spit cleaned cups and sheep skin shade, you'll have a great time (and fight)!
    Cool Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Beauty Score: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
    Comfortableness Score: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
    Overall Score ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

    So many places to choose from! Have you chosen yet?"