Artwork Focus #1

Posted by Asfer Sunday, March 21, 2010

In this article I'm going to be examining an artwork of Forsaken World in-depth.

The Artwork in the Spotlight is (drumroll):

Let's start observing.

1. Artwork is officially called Concept Art so obviously this is going to be in the game.
2. You see someone battling a boss.
3. There is sand, which means this is in Egypt.
4. The boss looks like a scorpion, again referring to Egypt.
5. I am not an anthropologist so I have no idea what clothing the guy is wearing.
6. You can see hieroglyphs in the back
7. This looks like a circular chamber.
8. The guy is using a staff which might mean he is a Mage
9. There are flames on the back of the scorpion-like creature, referring to hotness, therefore also referring to Egypt.
10. There is light (presumably) coming out of the hole which the scorpion-like creature emerged from.


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