Screenie Batch #17

Posted by Asfer

a (9).pnga (8).pnga (7).pnga (1).pnga (4).png9.png12.png13.png15.png16.png17.png18.png19.png20.png22.png23.png24.png26.png29.png33.png35.png37.png39.png46.png49.png
A screenie packed batch to make up for the last one. Oh, and if you're visiting FWfans then please vote on the poll. It will affect your experience at FWfans.

Screenie Batch #16.5

Posted by Asfer

That's all folks,I apologize for this very short Screenie Batch.

New Minions!

Posted by Asfer

Okay, maybe minions is the wrong way to put it, so let's just stick to followers. We have new followers! Yes, not one but two! They are: Christian Sampaio and Jay_Dubbz, thank you! And also thank you to my existing followers: AutumnalDusk (I miss you, on the forums.), vahrna (I miss you, on the forums.) and хвостЪ хвостЪ. I've also noticed a significant rise in our stat count, so thank you for reading FWfans. We have reached about 5,600 views at the time of this post! 

2 articles and a Screenie Batch, coming soon

Screenie Batch #16 Special Wallpaper edition!

Posted by Asfer

新.jpgjingxuan.jpg100.jpg双鱼,双生.jpgm001.jpg双鱼座.jpgbeijing-2副本.jpgstar_tianping 副15.2X25.4.jpgstar_muyang副本.jpg新1.jpg双子.jpg神魔.gifOK!.jpgeryue.jpgstar_tianxie.gifshieryur.jpgsiyue.jpg

That's all folks!

We get a special mention!

Posted by Asfer

"While Forsaken World's Chinese beta is being carried out here, in the English Forsaken World forums people are getting more and more excited. There are various threads popping up on how to play the Chinese beta, such as: "How to play Forsaken World China (Guide)". Below is a picture explaining how to create an account.  Because of this tutorial, North American players have flooded the test servers.

NA player made tutorial
After a North American Forum poster (sounds sooo racist), posted pictures of World Bosses, posters joked "Medusa needs to lose some it up a little:, and " I hope these bosses kick our butts!".  If you see them in the game, remember to say hello!"

Speaking of foreign players, the posts on the forums "Where can I download?". I'm starting to think these are Chinese players, using Google Translate.

Guild Bases

Posted by Asfer

Since the announcement of 'Floating Guild Bases' players have flocked to play the game. As soon as they have advanced to the next Era, players will have access to flying guild bases.

Aerial respawn


Currently the test server is in the "Chaotic" Era, players have prayed enough to their gods to achieve 62% of advancement, our R&D team predicts the game will advance eras within a week, if players continue on like this.

Send station


A guild needs more than 6,000 gold to at least join an auction. Once the auction has begun, it's a bidding frenzy!

Workshop Area


Who will get the first floating base? We'll know soon enough!