We get a special mention!

Posted by Asfer Monday, May 17, 2010

"While Forsaken World's Chinese beta is being carried out here, in the English Forsaken World forums people are getting more and more excited. There are various threads popping up on how to play the Chinese beta, such as: "How to play Forsaken World China (Guide)". Below is a picture explaining how to create an account.  Because of this tutorial, North American players have flooded the test servers.

NA player made tutorial
After a North American Forum poster (sounds sooo racist), posted pictures of World Bosses, posters joked "Medusa needs to lose some it up a little:, and " I hope these bosses kick our butts!".  If you see them in the game, remember to say hello!"

Speaking of foreign players, the posts on the forums "Where can I download?". I'm starting to think these are Chinese players, using Google Translate.


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