Artwork Focus #2

Posted by Asfer

Artwork is portal into the game, they show us what we can expect from a game. Anyway, the Concept Art for this week is...

1. It seems that this place in a remote jungle
2. The head statue in the back looks similar to the Sphinx
3. The monument in front, looks like an Egyptian Guardian or a God.
4. There are people in front of a bonfire, likely to be exploring or worshiping something
5. At the back next to the Sphinx head looks like a Chateau.


Posted by Asfer

Since the Chinese CB has started there are a lot of videos on youku and 17173, if you wanna watch them just Paste this keyword in the search boxes: 神魔大陆 . Happy Gaming!

Screenie Batch #4

Posted by Asfer

2010-03-26 23-38-50.jpg2010-03-26 13-26-01.jpg2010-03-26 13-15-39.jpg2010-03-26 23-36-41.jpg2010-03-26 23-41-48.jpg2010-03-26 23-48-25.jpg2010-03-26 23-30-45.jpg2010-03-26 23-29-49.jpg魅影.jpg
The map, I have no idea what this guy wrote on it.


Posted by Asfer

Hmm, it seems that people are unable to write comments :(. I'll try and fix that hopefully without doing anything drastic like changing the template. On a happier not it seems our little fansite has a new follower! хвостЪ хвостЪ

EDIT: You're now able to post comments!!! 

EDIT: There are some VERY noticeable visual errors, I'm trying to fix them, but April is approaching so maybe I should change the template.

Screenie Batch #3

Posted by Asfer

They've changed the loading screens, it was different in the early videos.4.jpg1.jpg6.jpg
Skill Talent Tree

Cut scenes

Posted by Asfer

Remember the post about in-game cutscenes? This is the link to the video:

 Looks awesome, again, please add voice acting.

Screenie Batch #2

Posted by Asfer

Not exactly the prettiest flower I've seen...

Screenie Batch #1

Posted by Asfer



It seems some players are experiencing login problems (above)

New Account

Posted by Asfer

Of course I will be keeping an eye on Forsaken World's Chinese beta, in order to see a screenshot I needed to login so I've created a forum account NOT A GAME ACCOUNT. I will posting some cool screenies soon!

It has begun...

Posted by Asfer

At 12 o'clock on March 25, 2010, Forsaken World's Chinese Closed beta will begin!
The test will strictly enforce the internationally accepted testing standards, select a different type of players to participate.  We would extremely appreciate any feedback, and suggestions to improve the game.

Forsaken World's Closed Beta level cap is Level 40 and some of the main features are:
1) A Diverse and uniques world with 5 races such as humans, Dwarves and Stonemen and eight classes that can be chosen are : Warrior, Mage, Protector, Priest, Assassin, Vampire, Marksmen, and Bard.
In addition to this the game has 9 occupations and two of them are Socialite and Tamer.

Female Warrior

2) The Soul PK system allows players to suck the souls of their enemies and use them to increase their strength.
3) The ability to 'change the world', and the chronicle system. And the Planetarium system, which influences almost everything.
NPC - Elder

4) Thematic activities, daily activities and recurring activities, allow the player to enjoy the game as much as possible
In-game cutscenes allow the player to understand the history of Eyrda and the making of his journey. The Mount system allow players to get to one place faster.
Short-tailed wolf
The Wizard and the Unicorn

We urge players give as much as possible feedback so we can improve the game, this will also help us to push the to places like North America.
Le Chateau

Desert Phantom of the Opera
Artwork - Rainforest

Artwork Focus #1

Posted by Asfer

In this article I'm going to be examining an artwork of Forsaken World in-depth.

The Artwork in the Spotlight is (drumroll):

Let's start observing.

1. Artwork is officially called Concept Art so obviously this is going to be in the game.
2. You see someone battling a boss.
3. There is sand, which means this is in Egypt.
4. The boss looks like a scorpion, again referring to Egypt.
5. I am not an anthropologist so I have no idea what clothing the guy is wearing.
6. You can see hieroglyphs in the back
7. This looks like a circular chamber.
8. The guy is using a staff which might mean he is a Mage
9. There are flames on the back of the scorpion-like creature, referring to hotness, therefore also referring to Egypt.
10. There is light (presumably) coming out of the hole which the scorpion-like creature emerged from.

3rd Upgrade

Posted by Asfer

It's still a work in progress.

FW CBT Preview

Posted by Asfer


I was browsing MMOsite when I found this :Forsaken World (CN) Closed Beta Test Preview

I was reading the article it said stuff we already knew but check this out:
"In the CBT, each character will be born accompanying with a CG trailer which will explain the character's basic world outlook in captions. Whenever players get into a new map or reach a new instance, animation effects can be produced at the same time. Some animations are attached with options that allow players to enter different subsequent branch animations according to their choice." This sounds awesome and all the more reason to add voice acting. The Chinese client is also up for download and it is 2.32 GB, *sigh* I wish I had a Chinese ID number...


We wantz upgrades!

Posted by Asfer

Expansions, we love them or hate them. They expand on lore, bring new features, update old features, update graphics and so much more. Almost all expansions have lore, this gives an excuse for the developer to develop that expansion. PWE expansions have lore and they have a problem(lore wise) like the 'Rising Tide' expansion for PWI. However Perfect World Beijing never seems to give the story a conclusion. Look at World of Warcraft, the Wrath of the Lich King expansion launched last year, now it has a conclusion you get to battle the Lich King and kill him, this paves the way for the next expansion Cataclysm. Not only that it furthers on that part of the lore, so when Blizzard runs out of new stories they can fall back on the open-ended ending. I think this should happen in FW, as the game has deep lore.


2010, the Big Bang.

Posted by Asfer


One thing, Project βeta is still on, so don't forget to check it out!

Well so far Perfect World has revealed Battle of the Immortals, Kung Foo!, Forsaken World and Heroes of the 3 Kingdoms and they are all set for release in 2010. This means more staff and more technical resources. PWE have almost localized every game that PWB has released in China. The games they haven't localized is: Perfect World 1(Perfect World has 2 versions this version has the Housing system and it's P2P), Fantasy Zhu Xian(Fantasy Jade Dynasty) and Hot Dance Party. PW1 and FZH I think are highly unlikely to be released. Anyway, I think PWE can pull this off, but don't forget to listen to the community.

I'm baack!

Posted by Asfer

Hello, everybody.

I have been ill for the last couple of weeks so I couldn't update the blog. Anyway, while I was ill PWB released the CB trailer for the Chinese version of Forsaken World. It is in Chinese but has official translations at the bottom. Here it is:

Where's my Empire?!

Posted by Asfer

That's the question I'd like an answer from PWE, when tidbits of FW was being released it was emphasized that players will be able to choose from a culture such Maya or Ancient Egypt. The game was even codenamed Project Empire. I might have been ignorant and missed some info or PWE cut that bit of the game out.

A fan Made video

Posted by Asfer

It's a compilation of screenshots and artwork. The link(Its chinese):

The Review

Posted by Asfer

I'm promised you guys I'll translate a review for FW so here it is:

"Game Name: Forsaken World. Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. Company:  Perfect World and various subsidiaries. Official Website:

Forsaken World has various themes such as Fantasy and History, it also introduces lots of new feature like: the Chronicle System. The login screen is quite spectacular. You can see majestic mountains, castles and they all contribute to the atmosphere of the game.

You create a character by choosing one of the 5 major races and 12 career options. You can customize skin color, hairstyle, hair color and face feature.

Human Warrior: they have great fighting skills.

Human Assassins, they are agile and lurk in the dark

Human Mage, able to control the elements.

Human Priest

Elf Warrior, they possess great physical strength and have great leadership skills.

Elf Bard, this class requires great patience and skill

Dwarf Marksmen, they are technologically advanced allowing them to use guns.

Stoneman Protector, the tank class

Kindred Assassin, They lurk in the dark waiting for their next target, they have good agility.

Kindred Mage they have the ability to control the elements, and have insane knowledge about magic

Kindred Vampires, they have high speed and high attack stats

  Once you've entered the game, the characters personal attributes will pop up, press C to close

You can see at the top left, life, mana, attack power, defense power, energy statuses: Acquisition types of sub-professional use will require consumption of energy, vitality: production types of sub-professional use will require consumption of energy

Character's backpack, press B to close.You can see it's very similar to ESO and PWI's. Props can be used inside the mall expansion

The skills menu, press to K open/close. To learn and improve skills you most go to your vocational NPC, however you will need to pay money

Skills book.

The game's mission tracker, you can auto-route to to find what you need to complete the mission. This saves a lot of time, the tracer contains a detailed description of the task, the task is divided into parts. and a better experience for the players game the continent in the world to understand Cauldron

The party and friend system is integrated, making things quite convenient.

The game has a world map and a mini map, and they are both very detailed

 There are pets in the game, when players are level 10 they can get a pet by completing a quest.

The game also has a profession system(see a previous article). The professions aren't really that useful, I think it was implemented only as something to do at end-game.

Players can take quests that allow them to upgrade their equipment

The game also has a ranking system, such as Guild, money and individual rankings.

The game has beautiful special effects and powerful particle effects to make the game more realistic

When you kill a monster the monster's soul will be released, it attaches to the player's body, when you have enough souls, you will be able to cast XP skills, this is a pretty good feature.

Character close-up

The login screen is beautiful, I will always have a soft spot for that screen. The European-style architecture, the game screen, beautiful character design, has gained my praise. The art is undeniably beautiful, it is one of the best.
The User Interface of the game is simple and easy to learn for Beginners. For those who have played games such as Perfect World or Jade Dynasty, you will need to adjust yourself to the new interface. Game shortcuts are on the upper right corner, maps on the bottom right corner, this is very awkward, the overall UI is simple but inconvenient. Quest can be extended allowing the player to get a deep knowledge of the lore.
The Circus quest is quite fun. However XP skill makes things very easy so it imbalances the game.
The games graphics are beautiful however skills animations are choppy. This may be due to the first test.When you reach mid-game there is not much point to continue playing, the content does not have much innovation. Professions are confusing, I don't understand what to do , how to do it and it's quite repetitive
Some eye-candy:

There you have it folks! Remember I didn't write this, I just translated it.